Christian Counselor

As Christian counselors, we provide people with skills and tools to live a more prosperous driven life, such as coping skills and self reflection. By thinking about and analyzing one’s own behavior and character, is a way to get to know yourself better and can help you identify areas for improvement, set goals, and live a more authentic life. We give tools to navigate through life with faith and hope.Honest communication is key to any relationship, speak words of encouragement to each other, listen intentionally, understandably and activity.
Communicate exactly what you feel truthfully and honestly from your heart, this is so important, especially in your marriage.
Strengthen your marriage or relationship by spending real time together, put down the phone, turn off the TV and get in a quiet place that’s peaceful and calm, with no distraction and say how you feel in a calm and respectful way. When you do this, you’ll be surprised how much closer you become to each other.
Don’t give up on your marriage or relationship it’s worth the time and effort to communicate.As marriage counselors, we provide couples ways to keep their love and marriage above the ups and downs of life. We teach on how to forgive, trust and communicate. We work with engaged couples on what to expect in marriage, we also work with singles and divorce individuals, and blended families.Engaged couples, the season before marriage is a rich and joyous time in your life. Spend time together and learn each other’s likes and dislikes, this is a time to really find out if you’re compatible with each other. Discuss everything, plan your wedding, but most of all plan your marriage.Singles, be wise with the process of selecting someone that will be devoted to God first, willing to pray with you and for you. Someone that is willing to fight through all your ups and downs in your relationship. take your time when dating, get to know the person before you go head over heels for them, embrace being single, this is a slow process that needs to be studied very carefully when looking for a lifelong relationship.If you decide to be single by choice, focus on God and your personal growth, exploring new hobbies and become your best self in life.
Sometimes, if you feel lonely or isolated, you can make an appointment with Christian Marriage Enrichment and we can help with your struggles in a safe place.Blended families, 50% of all families are blended, most blended families need some type of counseling, the process of forming a blended family can be both rewarding and challenging, it can take up to two years for blended families to adjust to the new situation, stay consistent in the relationship, be mindful of the changing needs of each child involved. Always remind each child that each one of them are loved and respected.We believe the marriage covenant must be in our society as the sacred foundation established by God, in which men and women can experience the real sense of spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy by following God‘s plan and designed to becoming ONE.Our motto:Men and women are equal partners in marriage, the roles are different, but equally important.


A really good marriage is about four things