A really good marriage is about four things

  1. Making memories together

  2. Forgiving mistakes

  3. Promising to never give up on each other

  4. Keeping God first in the marriage

Wives... you have the amazing power to build your husband up with your praise or crush him with your criticism. Give him lots of praise and he’ll knock down walls for you.

10 ways to divorce prove your marriage

1 make each other a priority in your relationship.

2 make the relationship a priority

3 compliment instead of criticize

4 be affectionate with your words and actions

5 keep the spark in your sex life

6 communicate, communicate, communicate.

7 never keep secrets from your spouse.

8 Date,  at least once a month.

9 never stop pursuing your spouse.

10 never stop trying to be attractive for each other

Husband, love your wife, show her you love her dearly,

Always be honest

Forgive one another quickly

Learn to be intimate in and out of the bedroom

Forgiveness is one of the most important practices you can carry out in your marriage, be a good forgiver.

If you are regularly starving your spouse when it comes to sex, affection, emotional support, praise, communication etc... then you are leaving the door open for big trouble in your marriage.

Eye contact, physical touch, time. These three things your spouse needs from you every day

More marriages die of neglect then anything else.

If you want a happy marriage, you’re going to have to work on it.

Never give your spouse a reason to doubt your faithfulness.

Never get so busy making a living and raising kids, that you forget to enjoy the person God has placed in your life.

Don’t forget to pray daily together, it’s the glue to your relationship.

Always keep God first, he’s number one in your marriage

1 Corinthians 16:14 says, be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Christian Marriage Enrichment



Christian Counselor